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Articles from Month March 2018

Peter Rabbit Hops Into Spring

  One of the many signs of spring is cute bunny rabbits like this one on the 1902 cover Beatrix Potter’s Tale of Peter Rabbit. Potter, who wrote and illustrated the book, was the first children’s author to dress small furry animals in jackets and dresses, perhaps inspired by the many small pets she kept

Spring Traditions

Six weeks ago the groundhog saw his shadow and declared winter wasn’t over. Between then and now we’ve had indicators that spring was on the way. Holi, a moveable festival, took place on March 2.  Daylight Savings Time in the U.S. started last Sunday. But tomorrow is the Spring Equinox when Spring becomes official in

Catching Leprechauns

  With St. Patrick’s Day coming up on Saturday, it’s time to think about how to catch leprechauns, the wee people associated with Ireland and gold. Leprechauns aren’t easy to find. Rumor has it these small fairies were once about two feet tall, but they’ve become smaller over time until now they can fit in

The Positive Benefits of Routine

  ROUTINE: Definition: a sequence of actions regularly followed. Example: Awaking after a lengthy sleep. RUT: Definition: Habit of behavior that has become dull and unproductive, but is hard to change. Example: “You’re in a rut.” No one ever says: “You’re in a routine.” In fact, the word rut is almost never said with a