The European goldfinch is a small bird with a red face, black and white head, warm brown upper parts and whiter underparts. The male has a dark mask just behind the eye. This seventeenth century oil on wood painting by Calen Febritius captures the life of a pet goldfinch, no doubt kept for its cheery
Articles from Month May 2015
Memorial Day is a somber day of remembrance. A time to remember the men and women in our Armed Forces who sacrificed their lives in service to their country. One million two hundred sixty-four thousand Americans have died in our nation’s wars. Roughly six hundred twenty thousand men, almost half the total number of deaths,
Naughty Nellie and the Honest Cop
In 1900 Aberdeen was known as the Hellhole of the Pacific and more ominously The Port of Missing Men, a reference to the high murder rate. Aberdeen was a boomtown fueled by the timber industry and home to a wide-open social life for the two thousand or so loggers and sailors who came into town
NAUGHTY NELLIE – “a madam of legendary proportion”
I met Nellie Curtis at The Pike Brewing Company Pub located at the edge of Seattle’s Pike Place Market in the old LaSalle Hotel Building. Seattle is known for its microbreweries. My daughter thought it would be fun to check out Pike Brewing founded in 1989. We ordered the tasting sampler. First on the list
Retired Guide Dog Spencer McGarrett – A Remembrance
Guide Dog Spencer McGarrett became an integral part of our family the day he arrived as a well-trained, gangly one-year-old puppy, ready for life in the tropics. The Handsome Bloke spent a month training with Spencer at Guide Dogs Victoria in Australia before Spencer’s adventures began. Two years ago Spencer retired. Reflecting on his life,