Ah, summer time. Especially when there’s soft sun and cool breezes like this sunset picture of Tauranga Harbour on the North Island of New Zealand. But the sun isn’t entirely our friend. Its UV rays damage our skin and eyes. Despite warnings about skin cancer, a day in the sun remains one of our
Articles from Month June 2016
Summer Solstice Stories
Tuesdays are getting noticed this year. Last week Tuesday was Flag Day. This week, June 21st marks Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. As this diagram illustrates, Solstice is the moment when the sun reaches its most northerly point on the celestial sphere. In other words, it’s the longest day of the year. The next
Our Grand Old Flag
In our rush from Memorial Day to the Fourth of July, we often miss Flag Day. I’m guilty of that myself. I think the reason we pass by the day honoring the adoption the American flag is because there’s no holiday attached. No fireworks. No bands. Just a day like any other. In June 1777
Old Maid’s Day – Really?
Darn – I missed it. Saturday, June 4th was National Old Maid’s Day, still on the list of June holidays and observed with reluctance by writers who rush to assure us modern women do quite well without marriage. And yet, I think the day shouldn’t pass completely unnoticed. Up until the 21st century,