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Practice Random Acts of Kindness

It seems that every event has its boosters which is why there are so many commemorative days like Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day which happened on Feb. 1 (not an entirely bad idea) or National Chopsticks Day that inspired a previous blog.

But today shines light on a practice we would all benefit from. Today is Random Act of Kindness Day. Random, meaning an act of kindness can happen anywhere at any time, and probably should. Acts of Kindness benefit the giver and the receiver. They can change lives.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted.” — Aesop

Kindness is simply being considerate of others and ourselves. Here’s a small sample of kind acts.

*Listen to people — really listen. Hear the words and understand the meaning. And don’t interrupt when someone is speaking.

*Tell someone they did a good job. Say thank you. Two words we often neglect.

*Help someone — whether its carrying boxes or brainstorming.

*Help the environment — Reduce – Reuse – Recycle

*And if you enjoy a good book, please leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or similar venue. You have no idea how much it means to an author.

Did you know being kind is good for your health?

Not only do kind actions make you feel good, but they have beneficial physical effects. Kindness:

  • Boosts serotonin, the feel-good hormone.
  • Releases oxytocin which reduces blood pressure and inflammation.
  • Reduces social anxiety and helps forge meaningful relationships.

Being kind is something we should do everyday, but don’t. We’re stressed. We’re overworked. We’re tired. And yet . . .

In 1982 Anne Herbert doodled the words “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty” on a place mat. In 1993, she published Random Acts of Kindness, and the concept took off.

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. — Lao Tzu

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation finds its purpose in inspiring people to practice kindness and pass it on. They produce lesson plans and resources for the classroom, and offer a calendar of kindness for the workplace with monthly themes and daily suggestions. Here are this week’s suggestions:

  • Monday – leave your comfort zone to do something special for someone else.
  • Tuesday – help someone brainstorm a project.
  • Wednesday – do something to make someone else and yourself happy.
  • Thursday – prepare a meal for someone.
  • Friday – Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, especially if they upset you.

Simple suggestions anyone can do. Don’t overthink acts of kindness. Just do them when you can. Suggestions? Leave a comment.


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Shimer College president Susan Henking listens. By Shimer College

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Random Acts of Kindness

Maile Proctor. “6 science-backed ways being kind is good for your health.” Quiet Revolution.

Author Sandra Wagner Wright

Sandra Wagner-Wright holds the doctoral degree in history and taught women’s and global history at the University of Hawai`i. Sandra travels for her research, most recently to Salem, Massachusetts, the setting of her new Salem Stories series. She also enjoys traveling for new experiences. Recent trips include Antarctica and a river cruise on the Rhine from Amsterdam to Basel.

 Sandra particularly likes writing about strong women who make a difference. She lives in Hilo, Hawai`i with her family and writes a blog relating to history, travel, and the idiosyncrasies of life.


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