Regular readers may have noticed my slogan: “Sandra Wagner-Wright – Writer, Historian.” Actually, it was supposed to say Writer-Historian-Traveller, but Traveller didn’t show up at the web designer appointment. Writer and Historian arrived early, and may have locked the door.
Lately, Historian has been dominating this blog, and would like to point out that today is a double historical commemoration, because it celebrates the work of Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and is the celebratory date inaugurating President Obama’s second term of office. The President actually took the oath of office yesterday, as stipulated in the Constitution.

Are we alone? Just you, Reader, and I, Writer? Good. This is our 16th blog together. Thank you for being here. At least I think you are here. If you aren’t here . . .
I enjoy writing this blog. It keeps me on my toes. But, I need to tell you something. Most of you don’t leave comments, but just in case you were thinking of leaving one today, don’t. I’m turning off the comment feature as soon as I find the switch. (I suffer from Technology Impairment Syndrome as well as Time Evaporation Syndrome.) Anyway, it’s not that I don’t want to hear from you, it’s the over 1,000 spam messages I’ve received from all over the world: United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Korea, and even New Jersey. All trying to sell me things like Ugg boots, down parkas, Mont Blanc pens, football jerseys. But when the spammers became concerned about erectile dysfunction, I knew it was time to pull the plug.
Do you wonder why you sign up for some pages, and you have to put wavy words in a box? It’s to keep out spammers. When I do my web page overhaul this spring, I’m adding that feature. Meanwhile . . .
2013 Writer Resolution
Last year was easy. One Resolution: Finish the Manuscript. No sub-headings, just page after page after page. I finished New Year’s Eve.
2013 One Resolution: Get an Agent.
One who loves my book so much s/he pushes all other clients to the side to focus on RAMA. Lots of sub-headings. I’ll keep you posted.