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Rama’s Labyrinth

This past week has been exceptionally exciting. Rama’s Labyrinth, the book I’ve been working on for over five years, is now available on (some readers will find it on The ebook is US$2.99 and the softcover print volume is US$19.99.


Rama’s Labyrinth is a biographical historical novel. We meet Rama in India when she’s a child of eight and follow her through her marriage, widowhood, and travel to England and America. The reader is with Rama when she establishes a school for child widows, converts to evangelical Christianity, and builds a community for famine victims near Pune, India. It’s an amazingly captivating journey.

Rama, wearing white & seated at right teaching her students. Public Domain.

Almost as exciting as the book itself is the video trailer, which captures the essence of Rama’s struggle.

There’s also a Pinterest Board for Rama’s Labyrinth. I’ve been posting roughly one photo per day of the people and places associated with Pandita Ramabai’s life.

New Look for the WebPage

No doubt you’ve noticed that the webpage has undergone a modernizing refreshment. The camel is having a well-deserved rest, and we’ve left the desert for a land of tropical flowers. Take a few moments to look around. Let me know what you think.

4 thoughts on “Rama’s Labyrinth

  1. Love it Sandra! Am looking forward to reading your journey with Rama! Blessings to you!!!
    Ox Kel

  2. Kudos, bravo, congratulations, Sandra! What an accomplishment- I’m so proud of your perseverance and your well-earned final creation. I can’t wait to read all about Rama!

  3. Congratulation, Sandra. Great news! Love the title of the book and your new picture on the website. Rama’s story is fascinating. Love, J


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