I subscribe to Darcy Pattison’s blog. Today’s entry announced that tomorrow, April 8, is Draw a Bird Day. Never heard of it? Neither had I. The day honors Dorie Cooper. In 1943 Dorie, aged 7, visited her wounded uncle in the hospital. Trying to cheer up a man who’d just lost his leg to a land mine, Dorie asked him to draw her a picture of a bird. He looked out the window, and drew a robin.
With a child’s lack of inhibition, Dorie laughed, and said he wasn’t a good artist, but she’d still hang his picture in her room. Dorie’s uncle and other soldiers on the ward began holding bird drawing contests whenever Dorie visited. (More details at the official Draw a Bird Day website http://www.dabday.com) Go to http://mimshouse.com/draw-a-bird-day-2014/ for info on how start drawing birds.
Here’s my bird. If it makes you laugh, mission accomplished.
For better looking birds, check out the Darcy’s Draw a Bird Day Pinterest Board (http://www.pinterest.com/darcypattison/draw-a-bird-day-april-8/)
Turns out, there’s a celebration every day during the month of April, most of which are listed at holidayinsights.com. These are the ones that caught my eye.
Today, April 7, is – Drum Roll Please – NO HOUSEWORK DAY. If only I’d known before I did the breakfast dishes. Note: It’s not “No Work Day” or “Go to the Beach Day.” It just means that for one day, you don’t have to push a broom or throw in 6 loads of laundry.
Tomorrow, April 8 – Frame your drawings for Draw a Bird Day
April 11 is Barbershop Quartet Day. And it’s Friday night. So, obviously you’ll want to find a barbershop quartet and hoist a few adult beverages. On this day in 1938 the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America was founded in Tulsa, OK. Clearly the founders didn’t anticipate Twitter’s 140 character restriction. (More info at http://barbershop.org/home.html)
What!? You’ve never heard of Barbershop Quartets. Then check out the Oh Susanna-Masterpiece (2013 International Quartet Competition). The singing’s on pitch and the guys are good looking. (http://youtu.be/rVUSK7tPDbA)
Just the thing to take your mind of Tax Day (April 15th) and ease the strain of National Stress Awareness Day (April 16th). It should come as no surprise that April 17th is National Cheeseball Day. I feel a bit like a cheeseball myself after sending off my tax returns.
After all that cheese, you might need a change of pace. Good thing there’s National Garlic Day on April 19th. Ah, Garlic, the “Stinking Rose.” It may not be good for romance, but it’s excellent for fighting colds and flu – not to mention warding off vampires. Maybe that’s part of the secret – less kissing means less contagion. More about the benefits of garlic at Medical News Today (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265853.php)
If you haven’t already, circled April 23 – Administrative Professionals Day, better do it now. Woe to anyone who doesn’t acknowledge the people who keep the office humming. Once called Secretary’s Day, the name change reflects the changing roles of white-collar professionals. They do more than you think.
And if there are any children in your life, pay attention to April 24th – Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work. Let them see what you do all day at the office. My father was an engineer. For years, I thought he drove trains. If he’d ever taken me to work with him, I’d have known better. Who knows, I might have paid more attention in math class. Seriously, kids need to know how school and work intersect. More ideas at www.daughtersandsonstowork.org/wmspage7d10.html?parm1=936.
Well, that’s our sampling April holidays. Make every day a celebration.
Advance Tip: If you like to decorate for Easter/Spring – it’s time to get out the bunnies & dye the eggs. More next week.
Featured Image: Robin, published by Ward, Lock & Tyler, 1869, US Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons
Darcy Pattison’s web page at http://www.darcypattison.com