Not everyone enjoys December holidays. For every memory of joyful family traditions, there are other memories. Life does not stop – which is why the holidays can never be as perfect as we imagine.
Holidays are about the past. They remind us of something important to an individual, family, or group. The month of December is filled with separate special days representing several traditions, culminating with New Year’s Eve – a day every group following the Gregorian calendar agrees is celebrated on December 31st. I sometimes wonder if New Year’s celebrations are more about saying good-bye to holiday stress than a welcome to new events.
But not every December occasion is about the past. For many students and families, it is time for long-awaited Commencement Ceremonies. Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Degrees are awarded at many universities. Finally, students are launched into the next phase of their personal and professional lives. At last, they begin a future different from their past.

University of Hawai`i at Hilo
Uncomfortable in hot academic robes, eager students sit on hard metal chairs, attentively listening for that moment when the college chancellor tells the undergraduates, “You may now move your hat tassels from right to left.” They have completed their education. Master’s Degree Candidates wait impatiently for their turn. That special moment when each is called to the stage and invested with the academic regalia symbolizing his or her new professional accomplishment.
Yesterday, my son received his Master’s Degree in Education. I am proud of him. The Handsome Bloke, our extended family, and Guide Dog Legend waited patiently for that magic moment. I cried.

Guide Dog Legend
Next December this Commencement Ceremony will be a joyful memory. This year, it marks a turning point in my son’s life. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Photos by Author. All Rights Reserved.